Our Members

December in Florida: A Blend of Sunshine & Festivity

Florida offers a unique setting for December celebrations, blending traditional holiday customs with the warmth and sunshine of a subtropical climate. While many parts of the world associate December with snow and chilly weather, our moderate temperatures and sunny skies help create a festive atmosphere that allows for outdoor activities and events that are not […]

Travel Corner

My first trip to Africa was to Tanzania in 2008. Randy and I marveled at our close encounters with the amazing array of wildlife—the “Big 5” of lion, elephant, caped buffalo, rhino and leopard–and so much more. In August, 2024, I returned from my sixth trip! Each has been different, filled with intimate, breathtaking moments […]

The Season of Giving

This is the time of year when many people focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. Some charitable organizations may spend as much as 95 percent of the money they collect through donations on their purpose or cause, while others spend more on administrative costs. Charity scammers often play on a donors’ sympathy and take […]

Welcome to Executive Chef Danny Flanagan

The Club at Grandezza is thrilled to announce its selection for Executive Chef, Danny Flanagan. Danny is ready to take on the role leading the culinary team in developing a delicious new chapter in the Club’s dining experience. Chef Danny has been the Executive Chef at The Club at Pelican Preserve for the last 2 […]

Grandezza Classified Ads

To place a classified ad Grandezza residents may e-mail sjsherwin18@gmail.com. An ad will run for THREE (3) MONTHS beginning with the first submission. Please inform us when the item has been sold or if you wish to have it deleted from the column. Also, you must notify us to continue an ad for an additional […]

Grandezza Visitor Access Control (dwellingLIVE)

Grandezza is a limited access community and access is powered by dwellingLIVE. Guest Passes for entrance are valid only at the Main Gate. A dwellingLIVE tutorial can be found on the home page of grandezzamaster.com. The tutorial provides instructions to access dwellingLIVE and manage your visitor information on your computer or smart phone. dwellingLIVE provides […]

Writers Wanted!

In an effort to make the Grandezza Gazzette interesting and readable to our residents, we invite you to share your stories, experiences, and perspectives. We welcome articles about books, travel, pets, sports, TV and movies, tech, and/or content that will get our community talking and sharing! Just avoid topics such as politics and religion in […]

Writers Wanted!

In an effort to make the Grandezza Gazzette interesting and readable to our residents, we invite you to share your stories, experiences, and perspectives. We welcome articles about books, travel, pets, sports, TV and movies, tech, and/or content that will get our community talking and sharing! Just avoid topics such as politics and religion in […]

Grandezza Classified Ads

To place a classified ad Grandezza residents may e-mail sjsherwin18@gmail.com. An ad will run for THREE (3) MONTHS beginning with the first submission. Please inform us when the item has been sold or if you wish to have it deleted from the column. Also, you must notify us to continue an ad for an additional […]