Envisioning the healing process at play, every drop of water I drank cured my body from the inside out. I adopted a powerful mindset as I worked with modern medicine to fight disease and restore my health after my cancer journey. I believed, without a doubt, that on a cellular level, my body was coming back into alignment to pure wellness as I healed.
Water is essential to all life. Without it, we would cease to exist. But what if human emotions could alter water, and if so, how would this affect our health?
Last year, I was gifted a beautiful glass pitcher for the holidays. I did not know then that I would be drinking more water in the coming year. I enjoyed filling the pitcher daily with sliced fruit and water. The size of the pitcher also let me know if I was hitting my daily target. Yet, what began as a gift to me overflowed to others. I started sharing the water with my friends and clients, sometimes adding antioxidants and electrolytes. I was fascinated to see how quickly people forgot to bring their own water to sessions, as they liked mine much more. More importantly, they also enjoyed the sharing and the care that went behind it. I realized then that the pitcher was far greater than that of just a glass container.
New York Times best-selling author Masaru Emoto of The Hidden Messages in Water and the documentary Water Has Memory extensively researched the molecular structure of water. He concluded that human consciousness could affect the structure as observed under a microscope. One remarkable experiment he conducted began with children standing around a glass of plain drinking water. The children sent thoughts and emotions of gratitude to the water. The water, which had not previously formed crystallized shapes, then began creating a molecular structure like a snowflake when viewed under a microscope.
I couldn’t help but wonder if this experiment was related to feeling positive emotions when drinking water since our bodies are made up of water. Having viewed Emoto’s experiments in years past, I was further intrigued when I was given a “Wellness” vial to use in my treasured pitcher. Drinking and sharing water took on a new heightened joy as it entertained the concept of drinking “wellness water.”
I can honestly share that nothing has ever gotten me this excited about keeping hydrated than having fun with it while expanding my imagination and exploring new possibilities of how water, combined with positive emotions, can improve our health. I encourage you to discover your own wellness water, hydrating your body and brain at both a cellular and an emotional level.