Come Deck the Halls with the Sounds of the Season and the GRANDEZZA SINGERS! Wednesday, December 11th at 5:30 PM in the GCC Foyer Hub Bar
My granddaughter recently celebrated her 10th birthday. I congratulated her on reaching such a milestone. After explaining what milestones were and again congratulating her on achieving her double digit birthday, she told me she can’t wait to be a teenager. That got me thinking…
Does anyone really live in the present? I remember when I was a teenager, I couldn’t wait to finish school. When I was 23 and graduated from university; I couldn’t wait to be 25 so I could rent a car. When I was 25 I was married and looking forward to starting a family. And on it goes… looking for promotions, new houses, new cars. Thankfully I never looked for a new wife! And likewise, Pat was never looking for a new husband.
Even in my 60’s I looked forward to new grandchildren, retirement living, always searching for a better golf game.
But here I am, in my 70’s and I find myself looking back. Remembering better days, better times. Wishing I was younger. I guess it is only natural to long for the past at our age, after all there is more in the past than the future for most of us. That being said, I do still look forward to family weddings, more grandchildren, and travelling to new places and new experiences.
All of us in Grandezza are blessed and must have lived pretty fulfilling lives to find ourselves living the Grande Life here.
So here’s to you, here’s to us and here’s to a great life (past, present and future).