Committee News

Grandezza Classified Ads

  • October 2024
  • seabreezesupport

To place a classified ad Grandezza residents may e-mail [email protected]. An ad will run for THREE (3) MONTHS beginningwith the firstsubmission.Please inform us when the item has been sold or if you wish to have it deleted fromthe column.Also, youmust notify usto continue an ad for an additional cycle afterthe initial 3-month period has expired orit automaticallywill be deleted.(Ending cycle
of the ad running is noted at the end in parentheses.)

Items for Sale
Two Front Door Sidelight Shutters: White 82”L x 11”W for sale. Excellent condition $400.00. Call or text 954-242-4553. (Expires 11/24)
Service Offerings
Concierge Services including Airport Transportation, Home Watch, & Grocery Delivery by Full Time Resident/ Retiree Lori Santillo. Call 612-916-1107. (Expires 11/24)
Travel Concierge: Serving clients since 1976. Cruises, Expedition ships, Tauck Tours, Safaris, Kensington Tours and other independent travel programs, multigenerational vacations. No fees, just first-class service. Ask any Grandezza member who has booked. IATA-approved agency. Email Larry @ [email protected]. (Expires 11/24)
Condo Rental Wanted: Retired couple, former condo owners in Sabal Palm would like to rent the month of February, 2025, and possibly months of October, February and March, 2026. Call or text Frank at 330-575-1643 or email at [email protected] or wjgreenwald45@ (Expires 11/24)